Amethyst - purple variety of transparent or translucent quartz. Hardness of 7.0 on the Mohs scale, density 2.5-2.8 g/cm3, shiny glass, light purple plehroizm, weak brown luminescence. Other names: Theotokion stone, dumpling, bishop's stone.
Scientists believe that the name "amethyst" comes from the Greek word «amethystos», which means "neopyanenny", "tough to intoxication." This stone is actually long been considered the best amulet against harmful for the body habits, and even in ancient times, amethyst rings worn before meal to keep the mind clear and uncomplicated. In this case, amethyst was the power not only to alcohol, but also to any outside influence - in the first Slavic Izbornik been said that amethyst "thoughts dashing removes, does not allow the memory othoditi" and the great doctor of the East Al-Biruni wrote that amethyst thrown into a bowl of water, heals many diseases, and even protect from poisoning.
Made of stone sober, amethyst attracted the attention of the young Christian church, and it is difficult to find a gem, who would buy such a religious significance. Spirituality, inner purity, the suppression of the passions and desires of the flesh - all these qualities attributed to amethyst, actively used the pillars of the church, as the Catholic and Orthodox, just put to sleep his clothing and religious objects purple stones. Even the color of the robes in the days of worship in honor of the martyrs and the martyrs who died in the name of faith - purple. Not to speak of, and Panagia, rosaries, crosses, hoods, Mitra, bowls, chalices ... Gorgeous golden icon frames and Gospels decorated amethyst, the dark-purple, then pale lilac, still amaze pomp - the contributions of the Russian Tsars they regularly trays Church. Significantly, when joining the San Pope bestows cardinals and princes of the church is an amethyst ring - just give as gifts for the anointing and the Pope himself. Ring, called the "ring of the fisherman", symbolizing that the Pope is the earthly vicar of St. Peter the Apostle, a fisherman, and amethyst is sometimes called "apostolic stone." Nothing will distract the person from the spiritual mission - that's the main message of the "ring of the fisherman", which is like a priest is crowned with the Church. In this case, amethyst, of course, not only became a recluse churches and monasteries. At the same time it has grown and secular glory, which is still huge - it's safe to say that once appeared in human history more amethyst never disappeared and did not go out of fashion. Even in Greece and Rome, he, along with chalcedony and agate was material for carving - gems, intaglios and cameos, as well as jewelry and rings, signets that patricians and rich "signed" documents. Amethyst and loved in the East, particularly in China - is one piece of the mineral carved perfume bottles and ointments, boxes and figurines. But in Tibet, amethyst was a magical talisman, a permanent, "participant" in the rituals of meditation and contemplation. And in the "Song of Songs" is referred to as the king Solomon gave to his beloved Libyan amethysts, "like violets," a sign of the strength of their feelings.
In Russia, the amethyst was traditionally known and highly valued, especially since the Middle Ages there was a persistent fashion for blue and purple stones. Amethyst decorated buckets and bowls, royal dresses and clothes. It should be noted that the amethyst was one of the few stones mined in Russia prior to the opening of the Ural mines, where, incidentally, amethyst was also in abundance. Amethysts loved so much that in the XVII century prized above rubies. In Europe, the amethyst is also actively used - in the Middle Ages outfit nobles considered incomplete without jewelry with amethyst, it is interesting to wear it for the most part men. In addition, amethysts were "gifts of loyalty" - jewelry with amethysts exchanged lovers. If one of the spouses went to the other world, the widow or widower of an amethyst ring worn as a symbol of eternal love for deceased ...
At a later time, when the "diamond age" and the fashion for transparent stones, amethyst and there found a "place in the sun", despite the fact that the price was lower than that of ruby, sapphire or diamond. Amethysts in XVIII-XIX centuries. become permanent inserts into necklaces, rings, brooches, earrings, belt buckles, portbukety. This stone survived and Empire, and the Rococo, and modern, and went to the XX century has recognized female hero dreams. He is the best answer of the new trends of the time: on the one hand, high strength and hardness, and excellent depth of color, ranging from dark-purple with a red "bloody" sheen to fine lilac-pink, like a bright colored sapphires, rubies or shade the other - quite reasonable price, allowed to buy jewelry with amethyst, for not only higher, but also the middle class. Today, as before, amethyst can be found in jewelry deluxe and high jewelry from Dior, Pomelatto, Carrera & Carrera, Cartier, Bvlgary and many others close to the diamonds and rubies, and in jewelry and small decorative objects average price level of silver and jewelry alloys. Especially popular massive jewelry with large transparent stones, amethyst, or a combination with other colored gems.
Amethyst is interesting not only as an insert for a ring or earrings, and raw - as brushes, friends and nodules, which are many small purple crystals grown on a common quartz substrate. These wonderful gifts of nature are often form the whole cave, shimmering purple fire, and can be a wonderful interior decoration for any interior. The only negative - amethyst dark colors "does not like" the bright electric light, becoming like a dull and featureless, so choose them better in daylight. But the stones of light, almost pink flowers, on the contrary, the evening began to play with all the colors.
Medicinal properties of amethyst, in addition to its ability to protect its owner from overuse of alcohol, are extensive. In the old days some amethyst placed overnight in a bowl of water, and then get fed infusion suffering from fever, cold, heat. Amethyst amulets worn to guard against outbreaks of infectious diseases. He also served as a means of wrinkles and, oddly enough, freckles - I think that to get rid of these shortcomings should be regularly stroking "sore spots" amethyst crystal. Today, with the help of amethyst treat nervous disorders and depression, reduced sleep - in the latter case, the stone should be put under the pillow. Besides the stone contributes to the regeneration of the skin after burns, treats diseases of the genitourinary system, strengthens the immune system, and in the earrings worn improves vision.
Amethyst energy primarily promotes the attainment of equilibrium and harmony with itself. This is a great "medicine" from emotional pain, fears, unrequited love, self-doubt - for this purpose it must be worn at the solar plexus in the pendant or pendant. Believe that if you give your loved one an amethyst, the stone will it feel to reply to you, and in family relationships amethyst provides peace, friendship and loyalty. Amethyst is also a stone of knowledge of the world, giving wisdom, insight and step-up is the mind. Those who are engaged in business, amethyst will find favor in high places - it has long been known as "attractive grace of kings." Entrepreneurs amethyst guard against failure, and property - from squandering, contributes to the rapid enrichment. Useful amethyst and military - it will make them brave and invincible in battle, will not make a rash act. Creative people amethyst brings inspiration and new ideas. Another interesting property of amethyst - is "ability" to protect crops from natural disasters and pest infestations, as well as "to command the winds."
Amethyst as a mascot can be used not only wearing on the body, but also to establish the product in the home, or friends of the purple stone. It perfectly cleanses and harmonizes the atmosphere, expels any negative. On amethyst brush is recommended for the night to put jewelry, to remove from them the day accumulated negativity and restore their energy. And just decorating with amethysts do not hide in the box - they also clean the area from foreign influences. Craps amethyst best in silver, but if used in the decoration and other stones, it is permissible, and gold. Astrologically it is more suited Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, though generally wear it sometimes is not counter to anyone.
And Amethyst is surprisingly integrity. Sapphires are not just blue, diamonds - not only colorless topaz, opals and tourmalines and does affects a large number of colors ... and that is why they are easily confused, as often happened in ancient times, when there was no accurate way to determine the structure of the stone. But amethyst passed unchanged through time - his purple sheen will recognize and love beforehand. Perhaps this was another reason that amethyst has become a kind of emblem of the best of human emotions - unconditional love, loyalty, purity? After all, only a very solid and not scattered on the little things a person can become a spiritual shepherd and as a support for other power sometimes manifests itself not loudly and defiantly, and quietly but firmly, and not having to see in bright light, blinding golden sun, becomes distinctly clear in amethyst dusk.