Spinel - Mineralogical name dinitrogen dialyuminiya magnesium. Hardness of 8.0 on the Mohs scale, density 3.6 g/cm3, the brilliance of glass. Other names: Lal shpinar, bale-ruby.
For a long time confused with spinel rubies - this gem at all for a long time did not put in a separate form, calling the general collective word carbuncle with ruby and crimson-pyrope garnet. Can not find mention of the spinel in Pliny, Marboda, Epiphany is no mention of spinel in the Bible or the Koran, there is none in the ancient classical tradition. Separate from ruby spinel began only in IX-X centuries, and then called her Lal. The "new" mineral valued higher pyrope and almandine, but slightly lower than rubies. Spinel and gained popularity in Russia along with amethysts, sapphires and emeralds, and in Europe - for example, a beautiful pink spinel size of a ripe plum belonged to Francis Drake, "Pirates of her Majesty 'scout Queen Elizabeth, plundering Spanish caravel to the glory of England in the XVI century. Noteworthy "Timur Ruby", which also belongs to the British crown - his first owner was himself Timur Tamerlane, the conqueror of nations: he wore his snow-white cap and called the "Tribute to the World." Many owners changed the "Timur Ruby" and painstakingly cut out each name on the stone surface - was among them, and the Mughals, built the Peacock Throne, the greatest piece of jewelry in the world, and this rock was once a part of it. A recently discovered that the "Timur Ruby" - also red spinel. Spinel is unique and 398-carat stone that adorns the top of the crown of the Russian Empire.
By the way, although it is assumed that the color of the spinel is similar to rubies, actually spinel has a wide range of colors. Light pink spinel bale-called ruby, orange - rubitsellom, blue - ganosh-spinel or spinel, sapphire, violet - oriental amethyst, bright green - hlorshpinelyu or oriental emerald, dark green and black - or tseylonitom pleonaste. Colorless spinel was known for only one - a "white spinel Kandy", presented by the Indian king simply British Army captain, alas, needs the money the military sold it, and unique stone forever disappeared from history. There is a version that got its name from the word spinel spinos - a spark of the matter is that the cut stones at dusk really like the light from within. Many instances have little muddy, which does not affect the price. Sometimes occurs in crystals and the effect of asterism - of which make cabochons, but unlike the ruby star, who plays on the surface, is not six, and four rays.
In antiquity, spinel along with some other gems revered for the drug. Its use, in particular, the medieval physician and occultist Paracelsus - said that the nature of the spinel "warm and dry", and so it prevents the wearing of any disease and nightmares, cure back pain, but in order to quench their thirst, spinel recommend putting in your mouth . Pounded into a powder inside the stone used to improve the complexion, treat stomach and get rid of melancholy and longing, an ointment based on this powder and helped reinforce the vision of myopia. Modern litoterapevty credited red spinel ability to stimulate the immune system and improve blood circulation, to support the body in viral diseases and paralysis. Pink spinel treats nerve, harmonizes sleep is useful in skin diseases. Green - is good for the "core" to stabilize the metabolism and blood pressure, relieves headache and joint pain, eye problems. Blue or cyan indicated for gastro-intestinal disorders, kidney disease, liver and lungs, improving performance of the endocrine system. Black spinel relieves pain with bruises, reduces bleeding, increases blood pressure.
In the East, spinel red hues considered a sexual stimulant, a man wakes up in libido, and recommended for men to attract women's attention and raise the sexual activity. The other side of the coin - that the spinel is not necessary to give children and young people, because they can bring it excessive temperament, unnecessary at this age. Generally spinel brings happiness to its owner in all areas of life, helping to find friends, protects from evil, fueled energy, rejuvenate spiritually and physically. It serves as a talisman for those whose work requires quick reaction and fast decision-making related to the constant traveling. Contraindicated spinel overly impulsive people - they too quickly "burned."
Craps stone into gold, and are - in earrings or a ring on the index or ring finger of the left hand. Astrologically spinel suitable fire signs, Capricorn and Aquarius.