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Main » 2013 » April » 11 » Fluorite

Fluorite - fluorspar, calcium fluoride. Hardness of 4.0 on the Mohs school, density 3.1 g/cm3, shiny glass, perfect cleavage. Other names: ore flower, blue John, false ruby, emerald, false, false sapphire, topaz, false, false amethyst derbishirsky stone Litos-lazulite.

Fluorite in the old days was a consummate party semiprecious views. The color scheme it covers all the colors of the rainbow and more, and it is both transparent and turbid as monochrome and with mottled or striped pattern in different shades. Not surprisingly, the dark-green variety of fluorite has long been sold under the guise of emerald, red, crimson and pink - as rubies, yellow and orange - as topaz, blue and purple instead of sapphire, violet and purple - as amethysts. Guess what is so unlike an external crystal is essentially the same mineral that can only specialist - fluorite so diverse, keeping the richness of colors is one of the dominant place among other gems. Of course, this practice has been forgotten today - and for good reason, because in itself fluorite certainly attractive and may well claim to be the most beautiful jewelry and stones. I should add that in the X-ray and ultraviolet light, as well as by heating the crystals of fluorite glow violet light, and some give and amazing color radiance.

It is a pity that so far it is not fully appreciated - masonry products fluorite is not much, and in fact vases, dishes and bowls out of this "rainbow" gem without any additional finishing immediately become dominant interior, changeable pattern and bright natural color transitions immediately reminiscent of the works of the modern era. Fluorite vessels were in use in ancient Rome, where they were called "murine", and the price of a vase could reach up to 100 thousand dinars, which was equal to 400 kg of gold! However, with the decline of ancient culture fluorite was somewhat forgotten, and forgotten about it by the prosaic matter: in the XVI century German scholar G. Agricola found that if you add in the fluorite ore ready for smelting, it then becomes easier to separate the slag from the pure metal, which is more fluid. Agricola gave gem name, derived from the Latin fluor - «for." A Saxon miners called fluorite ore flower for being with him could often find valuable minerals such as amethyst. At the end of XVII century painter from the same country Shvanhard noticed that poured into a bowl of fluorite sulfuric acid releases bubbles of a gas - this discovery was a modest number of other, and eventually fluorite and to this day serves as a valuable raw material for the production of hydrogen fluoride. Incidentally, not only in a modified form fluorite benefit: completely transparent crystals of stone used as glass optical night vision goggles, which were in high demand, such as during World War II. Of course, this is not all: in recent years the glory of fluorite as a decorative material began to return, and jewelry out of it - necklaces, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, rings, - became popular again and sometimes you can meet the ball, figurine, box, candle holder or ashtray made of solid translucent fluorite.

Fluorite healing abilities are very great. It boosts and equalizes the immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems, facilitates meteodependent effects, stress, cure insomnia. Fluorite is very useful in the postoperative period - stone helps prolong the wounds, scars, ulcers, accelerates cell regeneration. Facilitates fluorite and suffering of patients with epilepsy and multiple sclerosis, it is used to improve mobility, relieving rheumatic inflammation, sores, headaches. Fluorite balls litoterapevty spend toning massage of the face and body, which improves the condition of the body as a whole and has a rejuvenating effect.

Fluorite is also strong energy - so in India, where the gems have always been something of a cult, fluorite is considered one of the most powerful magical objects. Balls of fluorite were sorcerers and mediums as good crystal for divination and seances, and to this day many occultists use fluorite as a focus of meditation. It is believed that the stone reveals a host notorious "third eye" and shows the invisible worlds, promotes spiritual growth, at the same time protecting it from any of the negative and evil entities. However, fluorite not sink its owner in a dream and vision - on the contrary, it eliminates the dangerous illusions and dreams, makes the mind clear and the ability to concentrate on the task at hand, develop analytical skills. This is a great assistant for scientists and researchers, which increases the opportunity for assimilation of information - it can be, for example, a ring. Nervous and irritable people fluorite is very useful - it calms, teaches self-control, brings harmony in personal life. Women to gain personal happiness is especially suitable bracelet with fluorite, man - stick with a piece of rough stone. Creative individuals fluorite provide a huge amount of creative ideas and a few balance their excitable mind. Suitable stone for those who by occupation is facing the exact calculations, fine production - for example, jewelers, watchmakers, RF engineers, electronics engineers fluorite not allow shalturili, err, let defective products. Set in place a product of fluorite "disinfect" the atmosphere, cleaning it from power "dirt" - the same make and fluorite with aura household.

Wear a talisman of fluorite best in a ring on the ring finger, either in the form of earrings or bracelet and if you wear around the neck or fluorite necklace beads, the effect of the stone will be the most powerful. Astrologically fluorite shows Aquarius and Gemini, is not good for Scorpio.
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