Jasper - siliceous, sedimentary or metamorphic sedimentary rock with various inclusions. The hardness of 6.5-7.0 on the Mohs scale, density 2.6 g/cm3, shiny silky glass. Other names: jasper agate, agate meat, bloody jasper, lapis Swiss, German Lapis, heliotrope, tiger stone, prase, basanite, and the jasper, the plasma.
Jasper - a true friend of man, with the experience, not much is not enough, a hundred thousand years. Jade deposits are not always hidden in the interior of the mountains - it often comes to the surface in the form of boulders and rocks, which will use it to create weapons - that was the first way to use this gem, but soon enough, with the emergence of life in metal ores, jasper gradually moved into the category of decorative materials. From it, the benefit is met in many, cut figures of gods and magic press in Egypt, produced gems and amulets for the seriously ill in Rome, laying in bed births in Greece ... jewelry, religious items, interior details, mosaic floors in ancient temples - everywhere was jasper welcome. She was loved in the West and the East, where jasper along with jade and pearls honor to become a gem that stands out among the Chinese emperors. Jasper first Christians devoted the Apostle Peter, who according to legend, holds the keys of Paradise, jasper is mentioned in the Bible, one of the 12 stones in the breastplate of the High Priest were sewn and 12 gems that lie at the base of the Heavenly City of Jerusalem. A Byzantine emperor Manuel legend has presented the monks of Mount Athos magical cup of jasper that could heal from any illness and to neutralize the poison. Popularity jasper has not dried in the dark Middle Ages, when it fell in the alchemists, who makes her dishes for experiments and storage of magical ingredients. Avicenna declared jasper universal remedy for diseases of the stomach, and another superstition that Jasper helps in affairs of the heart, prompting the famous poet Pushkin's purchase of green jasper bracelet ...
Speaking of color - here jasper also out of the general mass of opaque gemstones, because the variety of colors it is amazing. Jasper come in all colors of the rainbow, from violet to red, black to white, and can not only be uniform in texture - belt jasper are entirely variegated stripes, porphyry - spotted and speckled, variegated - whimsical mesh veins and cracks, like colored marble. There jasper with spots and inclusions - such as dark-green jasper stained the color of blood is called "cherry". And the most amazing jasper - landscape as the background on the single "painted" a different color pattern: wood, forest landscape, the human face, so much so that sometimes you can not guess who tried, the master or the nature itself, landscape jasper is often inserted in the frame and hung like a work of art. This "fair desires" for the talented stone carvers - jasper, which is easy to chisel, but at the same time, hard and tough, you can create anything. Beauty Jasper inspired not one writer - it is poetically called the brick, the wax, the porcelain, the cotton, the brocade. Interestingly, the beauty of jade - in the literal sense of the word hidden inside because she is beautiful on the cut block, outside a raw jade is a rough piece of rock.
In Russia, jasper special attitude - along with malachite and rhodonite it enters the "big three" major Ural gems that have become a true symbol of Russian lapidary art. It was not always so - until the 18th century jade mined in Russia, but then out of it, still imported, loved grind ceremonial goblets, cups and dishes. And with the opening of the Ural semi-precious jasper pantries Russian glory thundered around the world, for the varieties of this stone is that it was found in abundance, including very large pieces, so Jasper had the opportunity to grind out massive works of art, without the tedious technique of inlay, familiar rare malachite or lapis lazuli. Coincided with the opening of jasper stone-cutting machines wealth has made this gem of a traditional part of the fashionable interior: fireplaces made of jasper, cladding panels for walls and columns, sculptures, ceremonial utensils, countertops, light fixtures, clocks, candlesticks, boxes, mirror frames, mosaic floors ... Gemstone memorial pomp became famous Agate and Jasper Study in Tsarskoye Selo, walls, door trim, window moldings and columns are practically covered colorful colorful green and red jasper, which perfectly blend with gilded bronze. But the most glorious page in Russian "jasper stories" - a vase, those "Stone Flower", which were made in a number of royal residences lapidary factory. A lot of them presented today at the Hermitage in St. Petersburg: gray-green, brown and gold, wax jasper turned into gigantic vessels, intended originally not for the bouquets of flowers - what colors can be worthy of the frame - but in order to, like an antique marble vases , to become the basis for dozens of fixtures at the time of the festivities. Dimensions vases hit - often the diameter was more than a meter. And the greatest - is "Queen of Vases" of green jasper with wavy pattern, covered with carved floral ornaments, and its weight of 19 tons, the height of more than 2 m, 5 m diameter because such a massive let down by her special foundation, and that she got the Hermitage, the master had to dismantle part of the outer wall, as in the door, she did not pass.
Jasper - a wonderful doctor, a rock crystal and carnelian. According to Taoist beliefs jasper considered the "stone of life", as it prolongs life and improves the condition of the entire body. Red jasper attributed property in China to treat any female illnesses, stop the bleeding and clean the internal organs. Since ancient times we know that Jasper - a good assistant in epilepsy, fever and seizures. Its effect on pregnancy and childbirth are also very positive - it reduces pain and provides a favorable outcome. Litoterapevty believe jasper, especially the green, a means of insomnia, nightmares and mental illness. Colds are also subject to jasper. Interestingly, the medicines prepared and present in jasper ware, multiplies its properties.
Jasper energy - primarily "home" mascot. It clears the dwelling from outside influences, brings prosperity, peace and prosperity, allows occupants "to stand on their feet." Jasper containers and boxes - the best container for your dear heart of things and money. And objects of jade elongated (vases, figurines) remove fatigue and stress simply by touching them. Interestingly, the stone that can act at a distance to the person whose portrait is inserted into a frame or put jasper agate mosaics. In general, any product made of jasper in the house - a source of inexhaustible vitality. And giving a loved one mascot of Jasper, you will provide him full protection from any negativity.
Decorations of red jasper are particularly useful for girls who want to enhance their appeal, as well as ambitious careerists - they improve the relationship with the boss. A brown jasper - the mascot of scientists and researchers, it helps concentration and mental and emotional energy, evokes responsibility, an ornament with a brown jasper well give careless student or student. Jasper works best decoration, set in silver. Astrologically jasper most shows those born under the sign of Virgo, but in general it can be worn all the zodiac signs - fire signs should jasper orange and red palette, water sign - jasper blue and gray palette, an earth sign - jade green and brown palette, Office of Air - white and yellowish.