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Main » 2013 » April » 11 » Peridot

Mohs scale of hardness for its value is 6.5 - 7.0. Density - 3.3 g/cm3.

Peridot is also known as olivine. Name of the stone peridot comes from the Greek word peridona - giving abundance. Other names of the mineral and its varieties: forsterite, Kashmir peridot, olivine. There are many varieties of it: olive-green, yellow-green, brownish-green, but the most valuable color - brilliant lime green. Yellow varieties ebbs often referred to as chrysolite, but chemically they are identical. Peridot is usually lighter in color than the emerald and has a denser color than the diamond.

Peridot is found in Alexandria (Egypt), and the most eastern mines for its production is on an island Zebargad, about 50 miles off the coast of Egypt in the Red Sea. In fact Zebargad - is the Arabic name for peridot.

The largest reserves of gem-quality peridot is in one of the mountains of stem reserves Apache tribe in Arizona, and he also found on the island Zebirget (Iceland), Red Sea (Egypt), Norway, Eifel, Germany, Hawaii, Italy and Burma. It is believed that the biggest peridot mined in Mogok (Burma), while the best stone removed from the interior of Pakistan.

Some people believe that peridot jewelry facilitates the various colds. Bracelets of this mineral can help with some eye diseases. It is believed that a necklace of peridot to be people with asthma: then quickly and easily pass the attacks. Litoterapevty suggest that peridot can cure diseases of the spine, as well as a positive impact on the overall condition of the internal organs.

Peridot affect the solar plexus chakra.

Magical properties peridot known since ancient times. Sorcerers often used it as a talisman. It was believed that peridot can have the power to destroy witchcraft, protected from evil spirits, the evil eye and spoilage. In order to test all of its features, the stone was placed in gold. Peridot is used as a guardian of the home. Stone house defended from envious thoughts of others, theft and evil spirits. Peridot favors for people born under the sign of Pisces. To marital happiness did not leave their home, women Pisces need to wear earrings with peridot fire clip. Pisces men for fast career growth moleno use keychain with this mineral. Same with peridot jewelry to wear for couples to keep the love.

Peridot uses mysterious reputation, assigns him the ability to subdue anger, improve it, and give success in friendship and marriage. The ancient Egyptians called peridot stone 'Sun "because it was too bright to see it in the sunny Egyptian desert. Legend also has it that he is able to glow in the night.

As a mascot peridot helps a person to take the necessary decisions. Mascot can be any product of this mineral. But we must remember that peridot bad assistant in evil deeds. Peridot - the mascot of people engaged in commercial activities, as well as work related to the trip.

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