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Main » 2013 » April » 11 » Adularia
Adularia, and moonstone - a kind of potassium feldspar. 6,0-6,6 hardness on the Mohs scale, density of 2.6 g/cm3, shiny silky glass. Another name-pearl spar, pearl spar, orthoclase, fisheye.

The Moonstone, there are many legends. They say, for example, that on the surface appears white spot, growing to the extent that it increases the glow of the moon to full moon. The sages said that the new moon grows cold stone and poured like moonlight, beginning to shine much brighter, and the decrease of the lunar disk luster fades until the next new moon. How can a piece of rock so strongly reflect the course of the lunar month - is unknown so far, but in India adularia was a sacred stone that brings happiness. For an unusual iridescent white color with bluish or yellowish tint was called "spit Moon" or "lunar foam" - believed that these stones are the frozen tears of the moon goddess, and it has the iridescence like having within itself its own source of radiance, it is always different , changeable, slightly, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. Maybe because it was identified with the art of prediction - Chaldean magi adularia placed under the tongue to see the future, and today occultists recommend for prophetic dreams put a stone under the pillow. Moonstone was really like in the old days in the East, in Muslim countries, India, Burma and Ceylon; great Avicenna mentioned it in their recipes as a miracle cure, and the beauty of the Arabic text of the girls compared to the radiance of the moon. But in Europe, it has long been "out of fashion", although in ancient times it was used actively fortunetellers and magicians.

As a healer adularia powerful effect on the body, for which it is worn so that it touched bare skin. It facilitates seizures, soothes, relieves outbreak of uncontrolled anger and aggression, and normalizes sleep and provides a clear and vivid dreams, treat sleepwalking. Mineral energy is associated with the element of water and effectively removes from the body stones, tumors, seals, "washed" slag, can ease the suffering of the patient, even in the last stages of cancer. It is useful in diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract, jaundice, disorders of the endocrine glands and hormonal imbalance. Stone cleanses the blood and lymph, swelling and inflammation, fever, improves heart.

Energy-adularia from antiquity is a love talisman. Brooch with moonstone, carried on the level of the heart, brings to you a true love and will awaken in your heart a deep sense of the response, this stone is a great "therapy" against loneliness. He immediately responds to the cooling of feelings: tarnish, change saturation. Special force moonstone filled during a full moon - then it spreads around the waves of peace, serenity, tenderness and love. Recommended on the night of the full moon to leave it on the window sill, that he "satiate" lunar rays and recovered energy given to the owner. And in the days of the first lunar rock can enhance the intuition of the owner up to clairvoyance. People with rapid, erratic temperament, conflict is useful to carry adularia on his left hand - it makes them more tolerant, sociable, calm, protects against needless disruption and release of energy "into the void." On the right hand a talisman will be useful to those who operates on the creative path - writers, artists, musicians, designers, he awakens imagination and gives inspiration, reveals all the various skills. In this adularia very susceptible to human attention, perfectly recalled if the owner mentally or aloud talking to him, or just regular care sometimes silently contemplates word, not treated as a meaningless trinket. Rude, insensitive people stone is useless - it develops the inner qualities of only those who were initially drawn to elegance, beauty and creativity.

Adularia are not constant - it can be worn in the period from new moon to full moon, the waning moon, he becomes a real energovamirom, weakening its owner. Most powerfully he shows his qualities on Mondays. Stone is best to wear around the neck or chest, or in the ring on the ring finger, set into silver. Astrologically Moonstone is best suited to Cancer and Pisces, but you can wear it and the rest of the zodiac with the exception of Sagittarius, Aries and Leo.
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