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Rose Quartz

Rose quartz - a kind of opaque white quartz with pink, mixed with titanium. Hardness of 7.0 on the Mohs scale, density 2.6 g/cm3, shiny glass, crystal translucent or transparent.

Rose quartz - a modest mineral, not eager to stand out from the rest, but its obvious advantage for a long time made him one of the most famous consumer stones. First of rose quartz beads have been found in ancient Mesopotamia in 7000 BC - Even then it made of women's jewelry. Loved the rose quartz in the East - where he was called "the stone of the heart", believing that her soft color stone fills the heart with love contemplating his person. And used it for cosmetic purposes - in ancient Egypt and ancient Rome quartz pounded into a powder and added to a variety of creams and ointments that was to keep a smooth, youthful skin and prevent wrinkles. In those days, people believed that this stone is sent down a god of love Eros (Cupid) to pass th ... Read more »
Views: 1106 | Added by: Admin | Date: 11.04.2013 | Comments (0)


Rhodonite - a mineral subclass chain silicates, it includes a large percentage of manganese. Hardness - 5.5-6.5 on the Mohs scale, density of 3.6 g/cm3, the brilliance of glass. Other names: Orlets, tank, ruby ​​spar, Fowler.

Rhodonite known since the Byzantine Empire, but for a long time he was not in favor - and not because of "face did not come out," but because of the almost complete absence of a stockpile. However, in ancient India, this semi-precious midst of boundless wealth, rhodonite knew long ago - where he was referred to as "divine stone", awakens in man the very best love in the hearts of villagers and revealing dormant for the time talents. A poetic name "Rodon" received the stone already in the XIX century, from the Greek word «rhodon» - Rose, for his gentle, shy paint really reminds shade petals queen of flowers. In Russia, a rhodonite first called by another name - rhodonite-orlets, eagle stone was believ ... Read more »
Views: 1294 | Added by: Admin | Date: 11.04.2013 | Comments (0)


Rauchtopaz - crystalline variety of quartz. Hardness of 7.0 on the Mohs scale, density 2.5-2.8 g/cm3, transparent, shiny glass, distinct plehroizm. Other names: smoky quartz, Smolyak, talyanchik, Roma, Scottish topaz, smoky crystal kerngorm, crystal-smazen.

The sacred stone of India and Tibet, where it is called the "stone of the Buddha", rauchtopaz always appreciated in these deeply religious and mysterious land above rock crystal - thanks to him the Eastern sages were in trance state or acquire a "nirvana", which means a complete purification of consciousness and a sense of absolute bliss. Smoky quartz has been a frequent member of meditation and "focus of force" regardless stone contemplation and rest, frees the body of toxins and negativity. And the myths featured magic bowl, carved from a single piece rauchtopas - drinking water poured into it, it was possible to cure any disease.

Interestin ... Read more »
Views: 1160 | Added by: Admin | Date: 11.04.2013 | Comments (0)


Pyrite - iron sulfide, one of the most common minerals on Earth. The hardness of 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale, density of 4,9-5,2 g/cm3, melting point of 1188 ° C. Metallic luster. Insoluble in water.

Name destructive elements that can both save lives and take it easy - the fire, the stone is called pyrite - from the Greek "Piros" fire. Pyrite - the first match of man, it is thanks to him that the fireplace in medieval castles and puffing tube gallant soldier of Hans Christian Andersen's still one name pyrite - Flint. With the force of impact on a small, well-kept hand, a piece of pyrite kresalom steel, carved a shower of sparks that ignited the dry moss fibers, linen or cotton - tinder. As Flint people know pyrite from the early Middle Ages, when the German miners noticed an unusual effect - with the impact of a steel pickaxe developed by the rock, pyrite crumbles and forms a set of red and yellow sparks. Interestingly, the stee ... Read more »
Views: 1032 | Added by: Admin | Date: 11.04.2013 | Comments (0)


Mohs scale of hardness for its value is 6.5 - 7.0. Density - 3.3 g/cm3.

Peridot is also known as olivine. Name of the stone peridot comes from the Greek word peridona - giving abundance. Other names of the mineral and its varieties: forsterite, Kashmir peridot, olivine. There are many varieties of it: olive-green, yellow-green, brownish-green, but the most valuable color - brilliant lime green. Yellow varieties ebbs often referred to as chrysolite, but chemically they are identical. Peridot is usually lighter in color than the emerald and has a denser color than the diamond.

Peridot is found in Alexandria (Egypt), and the most eastern mines for its production is on an island Zebargad, about 50 miles off the coast of Egypt in the Red Sea. In fact Zebargad - is the Arabic name for peridot.

The largest reserves of gem-quality peridot is in one of the mountains of stem reserves ... Read more »
Views: 1387 | Added by: Admin | Date: 11.04.2013 | Comments (0)


Green marble or ofiokaltsit - limestone veined serpentinite. Mineralogical Class: rock, fine-grained marble serpentizirovanny. Crystals - opaque. Glitter - silky glass. The hardness of 5.0-6.0 on the Mohs scale, density 2.6 g/cm3.

Ofiokaltsit, translucent green mineral, which in ancient times was considered a kind of green marble, is far superior to the latter in terms of hardness, and even a fall will not bring him harm. This is an interesting semi-precious gem from a marble base and precious inclusions Ophites - iridescent, like opal, precious species notorious in Russia serpentine stone. If natural serpentine like snake skin, then pale green or yellow-green blooms ofiokaltsita surface mesh or striped pattern of diverging in different directions olive, swamp or brownish streaks that resemble small snakes crawling in the spring grass - no wonder the word "ophite" in Greek means "serpent."

Ofiok ... Read more »
Views: 1265 | Added by: Admin | Date: 11.04.2013 | Comments (0)


Opal - amorphous variety of quartz with variable water content (6-10%). The hardness of 6.0-6.5 on the Mohs scale, density 1.9-2.5 g/cm3, fragile, shiny greasy.

Other names of the mineral and its varieties: the eye of the world, gidrofan, opal-Mutter, harlequin, Vidra, Hyalite, pearl opal cacholong, Müller glass dzhirasol, tseazit, firestone.

Unique coloring opal, on whose surface is continuously play, then flashing, then disappearing, colorful patches of all colors, due to its unusual structure: as a part of the stone a lot of water, and in fact is a kind of gel inside which move tiny balls - rock particles. It is this constant movement of the eye and gives flowery modulations that occur in this case, in the literal sense of the word inside the stone. All types of opal over 130, and opalescence - specific diamond play of light - and rainbow iridescence fully differ only in some of them, called "precio ... Read more »
Views: 1055 | Added by: Admin | Date: 11.04.2013 | Comments (0)

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