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Grenades - silicate mineral group class. Can be any color except blue. Hardness - 6.5-7.5 on the Mohs scale. Density 3,4-4,3 g/sm3.Prozrachny or nearly transparent, shiny glass or resinous

Garnet - a stone of passion, though a fire hardened human heart - was loved and respected, not only lords of medieval Europe, who wore it in rings and adorned their armor, in order to protect the march of the poison, injury and loss of blood. In Ancient Egypt, grenades were inserted into the eye socket of statues of the gods, and in the ancient world, emerald, garnet as called in the old days was the mascot of pregnant women and was designed to provide favorable resolution of the burden - they wore necklaces and cut them cameos. In Persia, pomegranate is a symbol of power - it cut out silhouettes padishahs. According to biblical legend, during the flood Noah was a huge lamp red garne ... Read more »
Views: 1138 | Added by: Admin | Date: 11.04.2013 | Comments (0)


Rhinestone - a colorless transparent quartz, silica. Other names: crystal, diamond Arabic, Bohemian diamond. Hardness of 7.0 on the Mohs scale, density 2.6 g/cm3, the brilliance of glass.

Rock crystal - one of the most famous and popular in the world of gems. The things out of him did not do: and the dishes, and jewelry, and magical tools and fixtures ... Along with pearl and amber rhinestone was one of the favorite mascots past: most often from him made vessels and cups, for example, two crystal goblet was the emperor Nero, from a crystal dish drink the ambrosia of Greek gods of Olympus. Roman aristocrats chilled hands crystal balls or put her well as to lower the temperature of crystal pieces drink wine. The very name, coined by the ancient Greek scientist and physician Theophrastus, is derived from the word "kristallos" - ice. Like other famous scholars of antiquity - Pliny, Plutarch, Aristotle - he believed that the ... Read more »
Views: 991 | Added by: Admin | Date: 11.04.2013 | Comments (0)

Ocellar quartz

Ocellar feldspar - quartz mineral from the group. Formed when silica in the form of fibrous and dense masses includes a massive light-colored fibrous material. Variety: Cat's Eye (includes asbestos fibers or epidote), falcon or hawk eye (includes fibers rhodusite and crocidolite), tiger eye (includes crocidolite). Silky luster, hardness 7-8 on the Mohs scale.

Ocellar quartz or spar - one of the most unusual species of the well-known quartz differ, however, from the traditional amethyst or citrine as day from night. This opaque iridescent stones, the depths of which shines after cutting vertical "pupil." Distinguish them by color - Tiger's Eye has a striped yellow-brown coloring, like a falcon's eye galleries skin has a bluish-gray and blue shades of the cat's eye's light, it is green, greenish-yellow, honey tones, really resembling cat's eyes. When heated, tiger's eye becomes brown cherry color - these ... Read more »
Views: 1307 | Added by: Admin | Date: 11.04.2013 | Comments (0)


Hyacinth - transparent, manganese jewelry jargon. Hardness of 7.5 on the Mohs scale, shiny glass, diamond.

Other Name: Hyacinth, yakint, jargon, hyacinth blue topaz, peradol.

Traditional colors of hyacinth-plants - blue, blue, and purple is the most common color of hyacinth-stone - brown, orange, red and pink. The blue zircon, hyacinth, though found in nature, but it is extremely rare, and the color is usually produced by baking brown hyacinths. The secret? In the error is not clear from the undertaken ancient authors, who believed that "Hyacinth" similar in color: as Pliny calls it a light purple. Clearly, for Hyacinth took a different gem, perhaps, sapphire, quartz and topaz, and then it turned out error, but elegant name was not in vain - they were designated red zircons, possibly similar to the color of clotted blood ...

Popularity hyacinth in all ages was huge, conside ... Read more »
Views: 1086 | Added by: Admin | Date: 11.04.2013 | Comments (1)


Hematite - a mineral, iron oxide. The hardness of 5.0-6.0 on the Mohs scale, density 5.3 g/cm3, shiny metallic or semimetallic. Other names - bloodstone, hematite, iron kidney, red iron oxide, red glass head.

The name hematite is derived from the Greek word "hemo" meaning blood - literally translated as "Bloodstone." Surprising property of hematite - though the mineral has a metallic luster with iridescent dark-gray color, but it is worth pound piece of stone, and the powder is brown-red, like clotted blood. Even if you wash the stone with water, it turns pink, as if it drop fell a drop of blood - and these qualities have not been for the ancient people undetected. Hematite immediately acquired a special status - it announced a magic talisman, a symbol of the gods of war and victory, as well as rock occultists and magicians.

Stone known to man for a long time - it is actively used in Mesopotamia an ... Read more »
Views: 962 | Added by: Admin | Date: 11.04.2013 | Comments (0)


Bloodstone - opaque variety of chalcedony. The hardness of 6.5-7.0 on the Mohs scale, density 2.5 g/cm3, the brilliance of glass. Other names: blood jasper, Oriental jade stone Stefanova, meat agate, plasma.

Wonderful stone heliotrope has become a favorite material for church utensils - chalices, monstrance, candlesticks, vessels, pectoral crosses, Panagia, that part of the dress of a priest in 18th-century Russia became a secular decorations. By the way, in our country the stone objects of worship had the most popular - and, of course, did not forget the heliotrope, because "covered with blood of Christ" gospel with rock "cover" or carved scapular in gold were also very beautiful. However, be aware that the history of heliotrope - far older than Christianity, because this stone was known and loved in ancient Egypt. Many papyri he called "a great mascot," which helped the wearer to "open the doors", contributed to the ex ... Read more »
Views: 908 | Added by: Admin | Date: 11.04.2013 | Comments (0)


Heliodor-yellow variety of beryl. A golden, golden-yellow, green-yellow and orange-yellow. Glitter stone - glass. Hardness - 7.5 on the Mohs scale. Density of 2.6 - 2.8 gsm3. Synonyms: golden beryl, golden beryl, Davidson.

Quality and value is determined by the Heliodorus transparency. Most often encountered in nature opaque stones, and of course the price is low. Most strongly valued as examples of exceptional purity. Most of these stones are yellowish-green, lemon-yellow and golden yellow with a honey tinge. Sometimes there are very large transparent Heliodorus, which are excellent for jewelry work. One of these unique crystals colored young foliage is stored in the Mineralogical Museum of the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg. The crystal was found in the Urals, its length is 25 cm His most major one found to the present day heliodor stored at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. He faceted baguette, has a golden ... Read more »
Views: 899 | Added by: Admin | Date: 11.04.2013 | Comments (0)

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